Item 00100 ferrule is for SAE 100R1AT or EN853 1SN Hose. It is a type of skive ferrules which can meet many international ferrule standards and some industry production. Ferrules are finished with zinc plated(Cr6) or chrome plated(Cr3). Colors like yellow, white and silver are all common in YH Hydraulic.
1. Pictures for 1SN Hose Hydraulic Sleeve, hose ferrules, hose sleeves, hose collars
2. Rôzne modely hadičiek podľa vášho výberu
Krúžky pre SAE 100R1AT, DIN EN853 1SN: 00110 a 00100
Krúžky pre SAE 100R2AT, DIN EN853 2SN: 00210 a 00200
Krúžky pre SAE 100R1AT, DIN EN853 1SN, SAE 100R2AT, DIN EN853 2SN: 03310
Krúžky pre DIN EN856 4SP, DIN EN865 4SH, SAE 100R12: 00400
Tesnenia pre hadice SAE 100R7 / R8: 00018
(Pozri podrobnosti o katalógu YH)
3. Surovina
20 uhlíková oceľ 316 nehrdzavejúca oceľ 304 nehrdzavejúca oceľ
4. Flow chat
YH Hydraulic has rich experiences in 1SN Hose Hydraulic Sleeve production. We are able to supply different kinds of hydraulic hose ferrules, such as ferrules for R1AT 1SN hoses, ferrules for R2AT 2SN hoses, ferrules for 4SP 4SH R12 hoses, etc. Also we can produce sizes with customers’ requirements. It is a perfect idea to crimp good ferrules with fittings to make hose assemblies without leaking.
Rezanie surovín - Kovanie surovín - Modelovanie CNC strojov - Značkovacie č. na karosérii - Galvanizácia - Balenie
5. Možnosti povrchovej úpravy
Biely pozinkovaný Žltý pozinkovaný Cr3
Part no.: 00100
Processing Equipment: CNC machines, raw material cutting machines, automatic punch
Certifikát: ISO9001: 2008
Standards: Winner production standard(also welcome customers’ standards like Parker and Manuli)
Značka: YH
Inspection: About 5 times.
1. Pictures for 1SN Hose Hydraulic Sleeve, hose ferrules, hose sleeves, hose collars
Tabuľka technických údajov
代号 ČASŤ Č.
胶管 HADICA HORE 尺寸 ROZMERY 公 称 内径 DN 标 号 DASH D L 00100-02 4 02 17 26 00100-04 6 04 19 30 00100-05 8 05 21 32.2 00100-06 10 06 23 32 00100-08 12 08 28 34 00100-10 16 10 31 39 00100-12 20 12 36 43.5 00100-16 25 16 43 50 00100-20 32 20 51 57 00100-24 40 24 57 60.3 00100-32 50 32 70 75