Hydraulický adaptér O-krúžok s vnútorným a vonkajším uhlom 90 kolien
Armatúry kolena 6F9 sú 90 stupňov ORFS, ktoré tvoria prepážku typu O-krúžok. Naša výroba pokrýva kompletné veľkosti, ktoré uspokoja väčšinu požiadaviek zákazníkov z celého sveta. Sú tiež odolné voči vibráciám a systémovým impulzom. Tesnenie medzi rúrkou a adaptérom je tvorené O-krúžkom, ktorý poskytuje bezpečnú jednotku. Armatúry môžu byť demontované a zmontované viackrát bez poškodenia jednotky. Podrobnosti Katalógové číslo: 6F9 (90 stupňov ORFS samec O-krúžku, predsieň) Norma: SAE J514, SAE J1453, BS5200, DIN2353 štandardy Veľkosti Všetky druhy rozmerov sú ...
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Ploché konektory ISO JIC, hydraulické armatúry, hadicové konektory
Adaptérové adaptéry 2J9 sú 90 ° JIC samec 37 ° kužeľový k JIC samica 37 ° sedadla. Rozmery kompletných rozmerov sú uvedené nižšie v technickom liste. Adaptéry sa vyrábajú podľa výkresov alebo podľa špeciálnych požiadaviek zákazníka. Náš výrobný štandard je Víťaz, ktorý je rovnaký ako Eaton. Podrobnosti Č. Časti: 2J9 (90 ° JIC Muž 74 ° kužeľ do JIC Žena 74 ° sedadlo) Tvary a rovinky sa vyrábajú podľa zloženia materiálu požadovaného výkresmi alebo požiadavkami zákazníka. Armatúry YH sa vyrábajú v súlade s normami SEA, BS, AS, ANSI a DIN. Dostupné ...
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Vzorka zadarmo SAE O krúžok s vonkajšou hadicou / hydraulický konektor / oceľový lemovací konektor s vonkajším / hydraulickým adaptérom a príslušenstvom
Metric adapter fittings 1DO series represent thread types of metric male 24 degrees heavy type and SAE male o-ring. YH is a leading producer of metric adapter fittings which are based on Winner production standard. With complete engineering capabilities, YH can design custom metric fittings and hose assemblies to original equipment standards. Details Part no.: 1DO(metric male 24 degrees heavy type with SAE male o-ring thread) Brand: YH; If any logo products required, please email to us Sizes: specifications showed on technical data table are standard. But for ...
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Metrické konektory pre metrické priedušné certifikáty Hot Sale
6C series are metric male 24 degrees light type bulkhead adapter fittings. Compared with 6C types, 6D series are heavy types. And they all can be found in YH Hydraulic. Our adapter fittings are forged with material of mild steel. But we can offer other material products to customers’ requirements. Details Part no.: 6C(Metric Male 24°Light Type Bulkhead) Size range: from M12 to M52; For bigger or smaller ones, please advise our sales. Type: With or without cutting ring and nuts are available for selling. Quality: Highly precision ...
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Metrické konektory pre priedely s priamou výrobnou cenou
6C series are metric male 24 degrees light type bulkhead adapter fittings. Compared with 6C types, 6D series are heavy types. And they all can be found in YH Hydraulic. Our adapter fittings are forged with material of mild steel. But we can offer other material products to customers’ requirements. Details Part no.: 6C(Metric Male 24°Light Type Bulkhead) Size range: from M12 to M52; For bigger or smaller ones, please advise our sales. Type: With or without cutting ring and nuts are available for selling. Quality: Highly precision ...
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Čína dodávateľ vysoko kvalitné 4SH zámkové rukávy
00601 interlock ferrule is for R13 or DIN 20023 4SH hoses. Ferrules are connectors for hoses and fittings to make hose assemblies. Thus its malleability values much when crimping hose assemblies. Ferrules in YH factory come in material of mild steel which can ensure its malleability. Related e-catalog is posted below for customers to view popular products from YH Hydraulic. Details Part no.: 00601(Interlock Ferrule For R13/DIN 20023 4SH Hose) Strength: High quality; Prompt delivery; Reasonable prices; Full range specifications Custom-orientated service: Available Quality control: ISO9001:2008 Standard: based ...
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Predám samec konektor NPT, na predaj
15611 fittings are with NPT male thread which is short for National Pipe Thread Taper. NPT is a U.S. standard for tapered threads used on hydraulic hose fittings. 15611 fittings have complete sizes from 1/4 inch to 2 inch which are for one steel wire braided hydraulic hose such as R1AT, ISN, 1SC, etc. These fittings are produced by CNC machines that can control right tolerance and smooth surface as required. Details Part no.: 15611(NPT Male) Standard: Winner or Eaton production standard. Custom-orientated fittings are welcomed Quality control: ...
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Hliníková otočná kolena z 90 ° kolena s vysokým prietokom z jedného kusu JIC AN Konektor pre pripojenie rúrky na rúrku s koncovkou na teflónovej rúrke PTFE
22191one piece integral fittings are 90 degrees elbow BSP female multi-seal types. Sizes from 04 to 24 are popularly manufactured in YH Hydraulic. And you can get the details from the below information. We can provide OEM service with drawings or samples provided. Details Part no.: 22191one piece(90 degrees BSP female multi-seal integral fitting) Type: 22191one piece are 22191 fittings with related sizes of ferrules crimped together Sizes: from 04 to 24 are largely manufactured in our factory. You can get details from technical data table. Other items: ...
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